Thursday, March 5, 2009

The World Missions Advocate

There he was, supposedly 70 years of age. 
In his trademark world-map jacket, and 'gopher' on tow - this time a tall-ish guy. Hand. 

He walked in with a breeze. 
Even in that simple act - of walking - you could feel his energy. 
And throughout the prayer night, this dynamite of a person put the rest of us 'much-younger' people to shame with his zest, energy and passion. 
While 18 and 19 year olds were struggling to stay awake, this man was almost jumping around with his 'inflatable globe' telling us about the troubles in Pakistan, in Mumbai, in Darfur - everywhere. 

Asking us to pray along. To pray to pray to pray. 

He was a man of passion. And he was sure of his mission. His words were urgent, and if you're on a mission to share hope with ALL the world, I guess you'd better be. 
But he also had compassion. And a good sense of humour. 

And while half the ship's company didn't even know about the movie Slumdog Millionaire, he was glad it highlighted somewhat the life of the Dalit people in India - where his heart really is. An answered prayer. 

This guy was as passionate as he was present. As hopeful as he was compassionate.

And he made special mention about IFES, an organization that has very deeply shaped my faith in Christ as well, through my involvement during my uni years.  

This was a fine example of how every person in this ship, in this organization should be like. 
And it better be, since he founded this organization 48 years ago, currently with 5400 people working over 110 countries. 

Today I am inspired. 
Today I met George Verwer. 


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