So I got a FEDEX package this week.
It took them awhile, because they didn't quite comprehend a ship address.
Took me a lot of walking about to find payphones and emailing and waiting at the window for almost an hour for the great white van with white and blue fonts on it to arrive just 5mins before the ETD.
But - it was sooooooooooooooo worth it.
OMG you guys!
Opening up that stack of postcards, seeing all your messages, putting everything together was -- more than overwhelming. WOW.
I could've cried, I probably did.
Not to mention being flocked by random shipcompany passerbys while I was piecing the thing together.
"You have such good friends!"
"You mean this was self designed? ( eyes wide open ). Wow"
"Your friends are so creative"
Yes yes yes. :) I was the happiest most touched most overwhelmed person on board that hour - no doubts about that.
So thank you. Dankiwell. Spesiba. Takk Sumiket. Takk Firyol. Danke schon.
I miss you guys. No, actually - I prefer the French term : "Tu me manques". -> You are missing to me. I don't just miss you, but you are missing to me.
I am touched. It was one of those moments where you for a splinter of a second feel : "I must've done something right.".
Thanks for giving me that.
i am SO beaming. :)
yay you got it!!:))
sorry the tea bag couldn't go through...
hugs. miss you la.
-mad hatter
finally it arrived:)
was wondering how long before you got it.
white dragonfly *zing*
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